Saturday, January 5, 2013

An Undivided Heart

The summer I met Jonathan, I committed to studying scripture on marriage.  At the time, I wanted to do this so I could pray it over my sister and her then fiancé.  Little did I know, the Lord was preparing my heart for some serious changes.  

In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul talks about marriage and singles.  He writes,

An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband.”

I wish someone had shown this to me in high school.  For so long, I just wanted to find my future spouse.  I wanted to be settled down, and I missed a lot of precious time with the Lord because he didn’t have a completely devoted heart.  I knew that He was good and faithful, but I was never completely content in his timing and where he wanted me. 

I’ve noticed that lots of women live like this.  We can’t seem to stop dwelling on what we want to happen in our lives.  I think it’s why we’re so focused on living the fairytale- happily ever after.  All the while forgetting Cinderella had to sweep the floors everyday before she found prince charming. 

Now that I’m married, I know what Paul is talking about.  My heart is devoted to the Lord AND how I can please my husband.  I’m completely content in where I am but everything changes when you become one with someone else- Your thoughts, your prayers, your plans, your bathroom habits.  Everything.  And it’s wonderful. 

But single women, hear this- Be completely devoted to the Lord.  Be content with being single.  I know that’s hard to hear.  I hated being told that.  No one ever explained why I should be okay with being single.  You should be okay with it for this one simple reason: If He takes care of the birds; surely He is taking care of you and the spouse you desire!!

Live for Him today.  Without pause.  Completely trusting that He is sovereign over all things.  Believe me when I say there is work to be done by single women, whose hearts are passionately and completely devoted to the Lord.  

1 comment:

  1. hi! SO i'm friends with your sister and i think you know my sisters :) anyways, following your blog now and really enjoyed this post. I too worked at pine cove and this verse was actually really impressed upon my heart my 1st summer there. Anyways, you should check out my blog if ya want!
